1. Follow your instinct
2. Trust your visions
3. Light up your obsessions
4. Be curious, ask questions
5. Talent is good, determination necessary
6. Think, analyze, react, realize
7. Respect your subject(s) in any circumstance
8. You are responsible for the pictures you show
9. When making photographs use all five senses,; sixth and seventh are also welcomed
10. Keep it simple with complexity
11. Less is more
12. Take pictures or make photographs is not the same
13. Mistakes are useful, accept them
14. The right distance is an unwritten agreement between the parties involved
15. Buy yourself a nice pair of comfortable shoes. Good to walk, walk and walk..
16. The creative process is like surfing, the fun part is riding the waves
17. You press the button and you do the rest (from Kodak slogan “You press the button we do the rest”)
18. Find a job or a part time job that does not impoverish or hinder your creative path
19. Do not cede control of your work and ideas to others
20. Take a deep dive, explore what is under the surface
21. The eye should learn to listen before it looks. Robert Frank
22. You don’t need to cross the ocean to find some breeze
23. If you don’t know where you’re going any road will do – Lewis Carrol
1. Follow your instinct
2. Trust your visions
3. Light up your obsessions
4. Be curious, ask questions
5. Talent is good, determination necessary
6. Think, analyze, react, realize
7. Respect your subject(s) in any circumstance
8. You are responsible for the pictures you show
9. When making photographs use all five senses,; sixth and seventh are also welcomed
10. Keep it simple with complexity
11. Less is more
12. Take pictures or make photographs is not the same
13. Mistakes are useful, accept them
14. The right distance is an unwritten agreement between the parties involved
15. Buy yourself a nice pair of comfortable shoes. Good to walk, walk and walk..
16. The creative process is like surfing, the fun part is riding the waves
17. You press the button and you do the rest (from Kodak slogan “You press the button we do the rest”)
18. Find a job or a part time job that does not impoverish or hinder your creative path
19. Do not cede control of your work and ideas to others
20. Take a deep dive, explore what is under the surface
21. The eye should learn to listen before it looks. Robert Frank
22. You don’t need to cross the ocean to find some breeze
23. If you don’t know where you’re going any road will do – Lewis Carrol