Go to sleep with your camera/phone close to you. When you open your eyes first thing take a photograph of what you see in front of you. Then put an alarm on your phone that repeats every 10 minutes.
Make your day as usual and don’t think of this task, but be brave to shot every time the alarm rings exactly what you have in front of you without searching the framing. Always with the same camera/phone.
Do it for the rest of the day until night when you will be back on your bed. Take the last picture before closing your eyes. Don’t forget to put the alarm off.
Next day put all the pictures in sequence and in a grid: You did it!
Want to try again? Do it taking a selfie every ten minutes for a day until night. Enjoy

by Ed Ruscha

by Stephen Shore
Examples from previous students:

Go to sleep with your camera/phone close to you. When you open your eyes first thing take a photograph of what you see in front of you. Then put an alarm on your phone that repeats every 10 minutes.
Make your day as usual and don’t think of this task, but be brave to shot every time the alarm rings exactly what you have in front of you without searching the framing. Always with the same camera/phone.
Do it for the rest of the day until night when you will be back on your bed. Take the last picture before closing your eyes. Don’t forget to put the alarm off.
Next day put all the pictures in sequence and in a grid: You did it!
Want to try again? Do it taking a selfie every ten minutes for a day until night. Enjoy

by Ed Ruscha

by Stephen Shore
Examples from previous students: